Research Team
Alana Cattapan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Waterloo. She was previously a faculty member at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on the governance of the reproductive body, including current research projects on the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies in Canada, the discursive construction of "women of reproductive age," and exemptions on the sale of human tissues in Canadian tissue legislation.
Megan Nichole Poole is a medical anthropologist from Prince Edward Island, Canada. She graduated from the University of Prince Edward Island with an honours degree—a double major in Anthropology and Psychology, with a minor in Sociology. In 2019, Megan completed her Master’s in anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan focusing on the experiences of Elders during a wildfire evacuation from a reserve in Northern Saskatchewan that occurred in the summer of 2018. Her research interests include preconception care, public policy, governmentality, aging, and gerontology.
Kate Loseth graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a B.A honours degree in Indigenous Studies in 2018. She is currently attending the Master of Public Policy Program at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, and works both as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Indigenous Studies and as a Research Assistant with Dr. Alana Cattapan. Kate's own research is focused on trans inmate's health in the Canadian prison system.
Samantha Moore graduated from Trent University with B.A honours degree in Anthropology in 2017. Currently attending the M.A program in Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan, Samantha works as a medical anthropologist conducting research related to the social and cultural determinants HIV/AIDS, public policy surrounding maternal/child health, and food insecurity syndemics.